Tuesday, June 5, 2018

How I use blogs to market my book "The Eve Chronicles" by Diane DeVIllers

Someone asked me about why I have so many blogs and this is what I told them.
The first social media I opened up was twitter, then facebook. I am an author and just published my first book of a fictionalized memoir called 'The Eve Chronicles" by Diane DeVillers. I self-published it and needed a way to market the book and so I have nearly 20 social media accounts where I post ten or more posts about all kinds of subjects, like links to stories about strong women, or politics, animals, place in the world. Then every dozen of those posts I put in a link to my book page on amazon.com. I opened others wordpress, live journal, wordpress, MS Connection, digg, worldpulse an international women's blog and many others. So I signed up to get emails from sites I like, women's news sites, animal sites explore.org where they have animal cameras set up, and I take these posts and write a short blog about them and then post it, then find a picture in my computer or to pixaby where you can get free pictures. It takes lots of time but it drives people to my site. I also made my own webpage on wix.com where my books are listed. Check out my author page 
Check out my books and my author page
Its three books in one paperback book 'The Eve Chronicles" or if you like ebooks look for "From the waters of Coyote Springs" 'Felix and Eve" and "The Arrangement" they tell the story of a young women who leaves her life in Wisconsin and goes to Oregon to work as a forester doing timber stand inventory for the Forest Service. The group of 5 foresters live in their camp with trailers and tents down by Coyote Springs in the Wallowa Mountain in eastern Oregon. The men in the crew tease Eve relentlessly but it doesn't take long before they call her "Queen of the Comeback"  "Felix and Eve" is when she moves to the coast and lives in Gold Beach with an elderly man who needs a caregiver for the summer as he recovers from by-pass surgery. He's a cranky old dude but he takes a shining to Eve, they play cards every night and he tells her about his former life when he worked for the notorious gangster Al Capone back in the day.  "The Arrangement" ebook is about the now-retired Eve who has bought property on Moon Mountain in Eugene, Vinnie her neighbor, whom she let set up his yurt in her backyard. Vinnie is in love with Eve but remains silent. Every year Eve gets the same letter with a skeleton key in it. She takes off down south to Catalina Island and cares for her former lover who has a debilitating disease called Multiple Sclerosis. She stays there for the summer while Sid's wife takes a much-needed vacation. Sid and Eve reminisce about their past.  As you can tell I am still on my shameless self-promotion tour.

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