A person can be pro-life and still give others the freedom to make their own choices. Most states passed these laws were all old white dudes who could never find themselves in this situation. Roe vs Wade is a constitutional right, don't' let them dilute it. Prez Trump said, "Women should be punished" but when asked about the men who got them pregnant. he said nothing. When Kavanaugh was elected to Supreme Court he said he would uphold Roe vs Wade, we don't believe he will. One in three women has chosen to have an abortion they just don't tell you. #YouKnowMe we are your daughters, your nieces, your aunts and mothers and grandmothers, We are your sisters, we are your next door neighbor. They just don't tell you about it. Keep reproductive rights between the family and the doctor. If a Dr performs an abortion he could get 99 years in jail, and if a rapist gets acquitted the woman could go to jail. In Alabama, they won't allow someone raped or incest to end the pregnancy. It's about wanting to control women, old white dudes in government should stay out of a woman's uterus. It's a war on women and we won't go back to back-alley abortions. If you voted for Trump, (older white women) you better vote for anyone else other than him. He's stacking hundreds of alt-right appellate judges and doing the same thing in our Supreme Court. Women, it's up to you who gets in the White House next, why not kick the racist, misogynist, hater to the curb. This is just another reason to vote him out. When women warned about Kavanaugh getting in, they called us hysterical. Well, get ready for the feminist revolution, and to men, either get a vasectomy or don't have sex with us. It puts women in a no-win situation when they try to defund Planned Parenthood, so women can't get birth control, and then if we get pregnant our choices are at risk. With 7 Billion people in the world, they defund Planned Parenthood International. So women in third world countries with five children who are underfed, are forced to have a child. And if life starts at conception then child support should start then. Women should get their day after pill and insist the men wear rubbers or not give it away. Women have to unite on this, think about your 12 yr old daughter who if she gets pregnant and wants an abortion, the state would force her to have the child. Don't take away women's choice, 78 percent of American's want women to have the choice. If you don't want an abortion don't have one, but don't take our rights away. Those same pro-lifers should be more concerned about children who are already alive and living in poverty, or the children in cages in El Paso, or grown men that go to war and die, why don't they try to ban wars. Millennials it will be up to you to vote for progressive candidates, it's time your generation take over. The more old white dudes that lose their elections the better. Don't get me going.
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