Friday, August 30, 2019

Medicine Woman by RIsing Appalachia

Medicine Woman by Rising Appalachia
Medicine Wise men say that rushing is violence and so is your silence when its rooted in compliance To stand firm in loving defiance, make art your alliance give voice to the fire Move people to the beat of the wind Gather yourself and begin to dance the song until it ends We are winners, champions of the light forming in numbers and might keep the truth close insight… Chorus: Medicine Woman, Medicine Man Walking with grace, I know your face, and I trust your hands Medicine Woman, Medicine Man Walking with grace, I know your face, and I trust your hands
Find your teachers in the voice of the forests unplug you can't ignore this wisdom of the voiceless Remedies are bountiful and surround us from the garden to the farthest prayers made of stardust Find your healing in the music that calls you the voice that enthralls you what do you belong to Eyes out there’s the setting of the sun give thanks to each and every one the lesson is the…Medicine Woman, Medicine Man Walking with grace I know your face, and I trust your hand Medicine Woman, Medicine Man Walking with grace, I know your face, and I trust your hand
Poem: I believe in bending backward and extending in my tracks trip back until the lesson is in action and your yard is feeding stop stark the disbelieving cause the garden holds the shards the medicine is in the seeds when We hold tight to our right to protect and we know our might is 10-fold in connection our elders hold them bright lights we protect them the medicine is evident the wolf, the hawk, the bear clan We hold tight to our right to protect and we know our might is 10-fold in connection our elders hold them bright lights we protect them the medicine is evident the wolf, the hawk, the bear clan… Medicine Woman, Medicine Man Walking with grace, I know your face, and I trust your hands Medicine Woman, Medicine Man Walking with grace, I know your face, and I trust your hands

Monday, July 8, 2019

Women better vote for reproductive rights

A person can be pro-life and still give others the freedom to make their own choices. Most states passed these laws were all old white dudes who could never find themselves in this situation. Roe vs Wade is a constitutional right, don't' let them dilute it. Prez Trump said, "Women should be punished" but when asked about the men who got them pregnant. he said nothing. When Kavanaugh was elected to Supreme Court he said he would uphold Roe vs Wade, we don't believe he will. One in three women has chosen to have an abortion they just don't tell you. #YouKnowMe we are your daughters, your nieces, your aunts and mothers and grandmothers, We are your sisters, we are your next door neighbor. They just don't tell you about it. Keep reproductive rights between the family and the doctor. If a Dr performs an abortion he could get 99 years in jail, and if a rapist gets acquitted the woman could go to jail. In Alabama, they won't allow someone raped or incest to end the pregnancy. It's about wanting to control women, old white dudes in government should stay out of a woman's uterus. It's a war on women and we won't go back to back-alley abortions. If you voted for Trump, (older white women) you better vote for anyone else other than him. He's stacking hundreds of alt-right appellate judges and doing the same thing in our Supreme Court. Women, it's up to you who gets in the White House next, why not kick the racist, misogynist, hater to the curb. This is just another reason to vote him out. When women warned about Kavanaugh getting in, they called us hysterical. Well, get ready for the feminist revolution, and to men, either get a vasectomy or don't have sex with us. It puts women in a no-win situation when they try to defund Planned Parenthood, so women can't get birth control, and then if we get pregnant our choices are at risk. With 7 Billion people in the world, they defund Planned Parenthood International. So women in third world countries with five children who are underfed, are forced to have a child. And if life starts at conception then child support should start then. Women should get their day after pill and insist the men wear rubbers or not give it away. Women have to unite on this, think about your 12 yr old daughter who if she gets pregnant and wants an abortion, the state would force her to have the child. Don't take away women's choice, 78 percent of American's want women to have the choice. If you don't want an abortion don't have one, but don't take our rights away. Those same pro-lifers should be more concerned about children who are already alive and living in poverty, or the children in cages in El Paso, or grown men that go to war and die, why don't they try to ban wars. Millennials it will be up to you to vote for progressive candidates, it's time your generation take over. The more old white dudes that lose their elections the better. Don't get me going.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

3 Reasons to Diversify Your Nonprofit Board | Network for Good

3 Reasons to Diversify Your Nonprofit Board | Network for Good: Diversity is more than just a buzz word or a politically correct action. And it’s about more than just appearances. Having a diverse board is essential for nonprofits. It provides a variety of perspectives, experiences, and networks; all of which make you stronger and more effective. Particularly for small nonprofits, diversity ensures that your board

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Eve was Framed

I am nearly finished with my novel 'The Garden Gate Stands Ajar: Eve was Framed by Diane DeVillers
. I googled Eve was framed and was brought to this essay written in 2011by Adair Sanders. It talked about how all through history women has been made the bad gal in the many decades since Adam and Eve were cast out of Garden of Eden.
'The Garden Gate stands ajar: Eve was Framed' is about the imaginary conversations with the original Eve of Biblical times and the modern day Eve, from the previously published book "The Eve Chronicles. It's been my observation that women were seen as the bearer of original sin and that they continue to be seen as man's servant.

Eve Was Framed
Posted on November 29, 2011, by Adair.Sanders
This may be the best bumper sticker I have ever seen.  My youngest sports one on her car, a fact which does worry me somewhat since she lives in the deep South where good Christian women are taught to be seen and not heard, to submit themselves to their husbands and to never question male authority.  While not all Southern men adhere to this sort of medieval autocracy, there are plenty of them still around.  I was raised by one, have a sibling who fervently embraces this philosophy, and have, sadly, actually worked with a few of them.  And in all fairness, this sort of belief and mindset is not exclusive to Southern men.
I think Eve really was framed.  Organized religion has demonized that poor woman, blaming her for all of mankind’s woes, from the fall from grace in the Garden of Eden to every imaginable bad event thereafter.  But I have to ask the question: Where was Adam in all of this?  Did Eve force feed him the apple?  Get real.  Adam was simply the first in the long line of humanity to refuse responsibility for his own actions.  I can hear him now.  “God, it wasn’t my fault.  She made me do it!”
Yes, Biblical scholars, I know Eve blamed it all on the snake, so it is also true that Eve didn’t want to accept responsibility for her actions either.  But I find it so interesting that the churches, synagogues, and mosques – all run by men for hundreds of years – have conveniently ignored or forgotten Adam’s equal role in that ancient story.
Religious texts are full of stories of human failings and frailties, with men in most of the starring roles.  But in so many of them, it is the evil woman who is responsible for the man’s weakness – Delilah and Bathsheba just to name a few – and only the man who ultimately finds redemption.  What is that supposed to mean?
I have issues with organized religion for many reasons, but certainly, the way women have been treated in the name of God ranks pretty high up there.  Even today there are many churches where women are excluded from the ministry or the Deaconate and are prohibited from teaching adult Sunday School classes.  In those religious communities, women are basically seen as the man’s servant.  It’s no wonder so many men are conflicted by the Madonna-Whore complex.  What other option has religion offered them?
My daughter is a stickler for the First Amendment, and the heart of a feminist beats strong within her, so naturally, she loves her Eve Was Framed bumper sticker and thinks it makes a great statement.  While I agree with her, I also worry a bit about her safety because the first Eve Was Framed bumper sticker that graced her bumper was defaced.   When one’s religion teaches that sin originated with a woman and places mankind’s problems at her feet, when one’s religion teaches that women are less than men, and when one’s religion calls a woman a whore and a man engaging in the same behavior just a guy sowing wild oats, is it any wonder that women are abused?  And it’s not much of a stretch from defacing my daughter’s bumper sticker to harming her for daring to place it on her car.
Before you dismiss my thoughts as histrionic, think about what is going on in the world.  The Taliban kills women for any number of reasons including daring to be educated or showing their faces.  In many Arab countries it is illegal for women to drive, and having multiple wives is par for the course.  In certain countries, female children are left on the hillside to die or are aborted simply because of gender.  And this country is not immune. Go to any fundamentalist or conservative church and see how women are perceived.  They are not afforded equal status with their male congregants, either in church or in the home.
Yes, Eve Was Framed is an amusing bumper sticker.  But it’s a frightening one as well.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Cornell West Lectures on University of Oregon's Stage

A Sign for most Occasions
I had the privilege to attend a lecture of Cornell West this last Friday in Eugene Oregon's Univerity of Oregon. He was a mighty force, As he spreads his unique ways to become more human, to become more loving of each other.
This is a video of him speaking about why he is voting for Bernie Sanders. Get ready to be schooled. He's a Professor at Harvard's Philosophy Department. 

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Father at 86 and Daughter at 63 both publish books Read my blog post about my father's book "The Stone Horse & Droshki by Ken De Villers and my book "The Eve Chronicles" by Diane DeVillers

Friday, March 1, 2019

Grace Slick donates Chick-fil-a Ad to LGBTQ community

Grace Slick from Jefferson Airplane (Starship) donates money from a Chick-fil-a ad she gave the rights to use a song in their ad to show her support for gay marriage. She stands with progressive people who believe in loving someone whoever they are is fair for anyone in this world.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Father from Wisconsin and Daughter from Oregon both publish books

“The Eve Chronicles” by Diane DeVillers (“From the Waters of Coyote Springs, Felix and Eve and The Arrangement in eBook) is about a self-reliant woman who moves to Oregon to work as a timber cruiser in the Wallowa Mountain of eastern Oregon. She’s a strong woman who lives by counterculture values and is a feminist. The men in the crew tease her relentlessly, and soon she becomes known as “Queen of the Comeback”.

Then she moves to Gold Beach on the coast and lives the summer with an elderly man who just had heart bypass surgery. He's grumpy at first but eventually, they develop a good relationship where he tells her his past when he worked for the notorious Al Capone.

Then, Eve moves to Eugene where she retires on Moon Mountain property where Vinnie, lives in a yurt in her back yard. Every year she leaves for the summer months to care for a former lover who has Multiple Sclerosis. Vinnie is in love with Eve but remains silent.

Her father also published his book “The Stone Horse & Droshki by Ken De Villers, which is about a man who is 1/2 Sioux Indian and 1/2 Russian, who joins the Airforce as a pilot and then decades later fakes his death to escape to Russia where he works his way up in the Russian Airforce. This due to his longing to learn about his homeland This book is similar to the Tom Clancy historical fiction.

Monday, January 21, 2019

45 years ago Joni Mitchell's "Court and Spark" album was released Joni Mitchell spoke to the counterculture women who were finding their place of empowerment in America, who changed the face of America forever.