When I was 16 women made 74 cents on the dollar doing the same job that a man did and he made a dollar on. Where is the outrage? When will the world start treating women with fairness and equality? How many years do women have to be treated as second class citizens?
How does this look to girls growing up, to have the vision that life isn't fair and that men get treated better? Believe me, it's something I have been working for as a feminist for over 40 years. Feminism isn't just another "F" word, it's alive and well, and we haven't come a long way...and don't call me baby.
Wage inequality is wrong and you know it. Why can't our government pass laws that entitle the female sex to equality?
So this shop is charging men more and giving women more worth when they spend money in their store. Who''s going to be next? What industry or company will follow suit? When will fairness come to America and around the world.
Maybe it will take Hillary Clinton to make that change. Why so much resistance to her already? Are men afraid that women, if they get in power, will mistreat men like they did us? Look at all the abuse, rape and meaness women get in this country. Look at all the abuse of women and girls. One in three college women were raped. Why is there so much desencion? Don't women deserve to be treated as well as men? The days of the old white men running this country is slowing dying out like extinct dinosaurs. Make way for the change, empower girls and women. It can only enhance goodness in society.
Stop supporting people and companies that don't treat women equally.
Stand up to sexism at it's worst. Be heard. Shatter that glass, class, ceiling.
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