Thursday, April 30, 2015

Chronic back pain? Read this article on how to address back pain.
WEBMD has a great article about how to help back pain. Bedrest is not a good option, resuming regular activity and exercise if not excessive can help.

Benefits of tumeric, one is that it fights body-wide inflammation. People with MS read this

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Hillary Clinton in her prime, in 2009 her response about women's repoductive rights.  Hillary speaks the truth for so many women who need reproductive freedom, and birth control so that children born to women are wanted.

Jon Stewert rips Dick Cheney a new one.
Jon Stewart slams Ex-Vice President Dick Cheney, read the rest of this right on article about Cheney's latest negative comments about Obama trying to cut a compromise with Iran and their nuke program. Jon Stewart tells it like it is, with his unique style hitting a home run.
How sweet it is. Action comes when people put pressure on companies who do business with people like Rush, Karma sucks, don't it Rush?

Monday, April 20, 2015

An essay about becoming too dependent on devices, and to remain in the present moment, be here now. | World Pulse

An essay about becoming too dependent on devices, and to remain in the present moment, be here now. | World Pulse

This is something i read today, it's about not becoming too wrapped up in our devices, phones, computers, that we need to stay grounded and present, in the now, touch somone's hand, give someone a hug, be in the now and be present, always present. here's the essay: The average person checks his or her phone 150 times a day Our phone is the center of our life. There's more power and personality in our pocket than in the rest of our traditional screens combined. We're more connected to what fits in our backpack than what sits in our living room. There's so much "us" in these devices that life comes to a standstill if we misplace them. Our phone is brimming with information, bursting with content, overflowing with entertainment. It's remarkable, really. But at times, we're not looking for mobility. We're looking for more. More energy, more sharing, more size, more sound. Stronger speakers, bigger screens, bigger experiences. We're looking to truly showcase the apps, the content, the connections, the possibilities. Those little touches of "us" that we add to our phone 150 times a day. To connect uncompromising capabilities and big-screen experiences, Showcasing a little of ourselves in the process.  

Shop charges women less and men more to make up the 76 cents on the dollar inequality | World Pulse

Shop charges women less and men more to make up the 76 cents on the dollar inequality | World Pulse

When I was 16 women made 74 cents on the dollar doing the same job that a man did and he made a dollar on. Where is the outrage? When will the world start treating women with fairness and equality? How many years do women have to be treated as second class citizens?
How does this look to girls growing up, to have the vision that life isn't fair and that men get treated better? Believe me, it's something I have been working for as a feminist for over 40 years. Feminism isn't just another "F" word, it's alive and well, and we haven't come a long way...and don't call me baby.
Wage inequality is wrong and you know it. Why can't our government pass laws that entitle the female sex to equality? 
So this shop is charging men more and giving women more worth when they spend money in their store. Who''s going to be next? What industry or company will follow suit? When will fairness come to America and around the world.
Maybe it will take Hillary Clinton to make that change. Why so much resistance to her already? Are men afraid that women, if they get in power, will mistreat men like they did us? Look at all the abuse, rape and meaness women get in this country. Look at all the abuse of women and girls. One in three college women were raped. Why is there so much desencion? Don't women deserve to be treated as well as men? The days of the old white men running this country is slowing dying out like extinct dinosaurs. Make way for the change, empower girls and women. It can only enhance goodness in society.
Stop supporting people and companies that don't treat women equally. 
Stand up to sexism at it's worst. Be heard. Shatter that glass, class, ceiling.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

'Were hippies' by John Amos | World Pulse

'Were hippies' by John Amos | World Pulse

Listen to John Amos, you know him from that old sitcom "Good Times" well he's grooving to some great guitar riffs, in this video, "We were hippies". In the age where some people want to "Punch the Hippie" here's a dude that's proud to be a hippy.

Now that Oregon's gone green a new way of seeing things has taken hold. Get rid of that alcohol, and light up.

Swimming in an ocean of garbage. Mankind hits new low. | World Pulse

Swimming in an ocean of garbage. Mankind hits new low. | World Pulse

Humans are throwing their trash into the ocean, and it's forming into huge balls of plastic made by the currents. Huge cities of plastic just floating around, making ocean creatures sick.

We ought to be ashamed of ourselves. And you want to know what item is the most there? Single serving food containers, seems like humans like quick and easy meals.

Do something about it. For a start stop buying bottled water.

Blood test can help track progression of Multiple Sclerosis | World Pulse

Blood test can help track progression of Multiple Sclerosis | World Pulse

A simple blood test will be able to track the progression of MS that will show the damage that is in the brain of people with MS. Within ten years blood tests will be more popular and less costly than MRI's that show the scarring on the nerves that affects different parts of the body.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Can`t Buy me Love - CBG cover by Cpt.Nemoff

Straight from Moscow Russia this cigar box guitar player rocks "Can't buy me Love" by THe Beatles.

Sunday, April 5, 2015 Check out my book website for my paperback book "The Eve Chronicles" by Diane DeVillers and follow the journey of a self-reliant woman who moves to Oregon to work in a crew of foresters doing timber inventory in the Wallowa Mountains in eastern Oregon. The first of three books
"From the Waters of Coyote Springs" is followed by

"Felix and Eve" about an elderly man who looks for a live in caregiver after he has heart by-pass surgery. The free spirited Eve answers the ad and spends the summer with Felix, a rather grouchy guy who starts to open up about his former employer Al Capone when he worked for him during Prohibition. Felix is set in his ways and Eve is a go with the flow kind of person.

The third book 'The Arrangement" is about the now retired baby boomer Eve who lives on her property on Moon Mt in the eclectic town of Eugene Oregon. Vinnie lives in a yurt in the back yard and they play in a band together. When she receives a letter with a skeleton key in it she travels to Catalina Island to spend time with a former lover who has Multiple Sclerosis. Vinnie stays behind to tend to the gardens, Vinnie is in love with Eve but remains silent.

Nerve pain? Read this important information about nerve pain
anyone who has nerve pain should read this important information about how to address it. After nearly nine years of living with nerve pain I read this and found it really helpful