Monday, May 23, 2016

"God lives in a nursing home in Wisconsin" a short story about a caregiver and an elderly man.

A short story about a caregiver and an elderly man in a nursing home. How with a little dignity and love people can make a difference at the end of life.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Trump's Trojan Horse

When Trump revealed his top picks for nominations to the Supreme Court, he was pandering to the GOP trying to be more conservative and more Presidental.  Don't be fooled, his true colors can never be changed. If Trump becomes our President, we are in a world of hurt.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The coal industry's days are numbered as we turn away from polluting coal.

I just can't stand hearing the woes of the coal industry and how it's the only job many of the coal miners ever had. Too bad, as a nation we are tired of all the pollution coal burning causes to our environment and like Hillary said, we will close down coal mines in the future..So what if that's the only job many of them had, maybe it's time to learn how to do something else. It happened like that in Oregon, where loggers wanted to completely clear cut every stand of timber, and because of wise conservation, they put limits on how and when the time can be harvested. The forest service and private companies like the coal industry made millions over the decades. You will just have to find another job, join the rest of us who have had dozens or more jobs in our lifetime. The logging industry workers had training supplied by the government, just like coal workers will get with Hillary's plans. CNN coverage of the poor coal miners, on the side of the poor coal industry that pollutes our air and waters.
Just calm down W Virginia and look for other work, our Pacific NW loggers are now working other jobs. and the forests are being run more efficiently, using thinning and forest practices where there is always forests to cut, without clear cutting everything, and killing our old growth. Coal will be phased out, there are renewable energy now with wind, solar and natural gas. Fossil fuels will also be phased out. Get with the program W Virginia and the rest of the states that have coal mines.
I don't feel sorry for the coal companies they have wrecked havoc on our environment and made billions doing it.